Course Notes
To help myself stay on top of my coursework, I began typing up my lecture notes and filling in the details to "obvious proofs". I ended up creating a custom template for LaTeX (based on the kaobook template) that had ample room for side notes, color-coded boxes, and various other features that I found useful both in writing and rereading the document. My original aim for this endeavor was to rewrite my notes so that I could easily locate specific material. Along the way, I found that the process of retyping my notes helped me identify which concepts I needed to study more. It also was motivating to see how much I have learned, but humbling to see how much more there is to learn. In graduate school, it's easy to feel like you have not made any progress -- seeing my collection of notes grow was an excellent reminder of the slow yet steady progress I have made.
I'll be adding these notes here (eventually) for others to reference. Don't hesitate to correct any typos that you find, regardless of how minor the error.
Qualifying Exams
As part of my degree requirements, I took qualifying exams in Algebra, Topology, and Analysis. To help myself prepare, I typed up my solutions to problems from previous exams and organized the problems by topic. My hope is that these solutions will help future students in my program (or other programs) prepare for their exams.
I am currently doing a reading course with Stephen Bigelow on a variety of topics (loosely) related to quantum algebras and diagrammatic algebra.